Acceptance of Change


As the weeks have flew by, I cannot believe that it is nearly December.  I remember thinking back a year ago, saying I was going to change my life.  I guess parts of my life have changed, others have remained unchanged.

For someone how knows there needs to be a change, however is terrified to actually make the dam change, I fell I only got a third of my goals completed. I am happy that I was able to do that.

I am now looking to finish that list.  I know it will be some time in 2016, but the exact date is unknown.  The year has been an interesting one.  I have found myself working 6 to 7 days a week with 50 to 65 hours of work a week. I have challenged myself on my bike riding, food and exercise boundaries, mental dispute challenges and personal issues with others.

I am slowly narrowing down what, where and who I will strive to become. The last 3 years have been a never ending learning experience of who I am without my eating disorder.  I remain to dislike potatoes, not because they are super carb loaded, but because I actually do not like the texture, taste, or smell of them. I do however like yams, sweet potatoes, and squash.  I may not love yoga, but I know it help control anxiety.  I want to work in a hospital or with special needs kids. I also love coaching sports skills such as basketball and physical literacy.  I know I will need a pet (preferably a rabbit or a dog), I would ideally like to live somewhere close to a hiking trail. I know that, as I want to continue working 65 hour weeks, I do need down time for self care and to look after my own mental and emotional well being.

For now it is one step at a time. Time to look after myself.

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